

It\’s always important to be able to get attention of someone else if you need any help or simply need to ask a question. Raising hand is a standard way of getting others attention around the world regardless of the environment and it\’s globally used in classrooms. Unfortunately, it may not be possible for everyone to physically raise their hands and we need alternative visual device could help them.

Project Information:

A simple hand raiser device that uses and RGB LED and web serial to communicate with host through a web app. This allows the users to send different colours actions to the device to and display visual feedback to other users.


The web app can be accessed through following web page:

Serial-Hand-Raiser App


  1. Turn LED On
  2. Turn LED Off
  3. Change RGB Color
  4. Enable Blinking


All the required assembly documentation, software, hardware are documented in the project github repository. All the necessary electronics for this project are listed and can be purchased online via provided hyperlinks in the bill of materials (BOM) file.


Serial-Hand-Raiser can be used to provide visual feedback via a web browser installed in the host device. The following web browsers are compatible:

Assistive Technology
3D Printing, Electronics, Embedded Systems Programming
Serial-Hand-Raiser resources and documentation